Monday, January 15, 2018


Sleepwalking while I'm sleepwalking
During the night? No during the day
You'd think it'd be the other way

Texting -- not talking 
4 anything I need 2 say
Communication is coming 
2 an end in this new age

Far from your touch 
Your far from mine
Hold my hand, not much
Cant recall the last time we hugged

Something's not right

Sleepwalking through life 
But not much at night
 Sleepwalking past my wife
Is that my wife? I wouldn't know
Somebody teach me what it's like 2 show


Comes easy 2 some
4 others it runs
Sleepwalking right past 
The chance


R so opposite from me
Not the Yin and the yang
more like
Thunderstorm meets Cool Breeze

Sleepwalking through life
Out of fear of reality
Safer to sleep than be me


2 U more than U me
Lose my grip, hastily
One day I will learn to sleep 
Until that night
Sleepwalking I will be

U dont want 2 be like me.