Thursday, March 25, 2021

Think about your son.....

if your wonderin’
If I loved u or how much  
Just think about your son 
How it felt that first time to hold him in your arms 
How you'd do anything to protect him from all harm

if your wonderin'
What it's like to look into my eyes
See the love in his eyes and you can see mine 
There’s no other way to explain how I felt when I was there 
Some say I left  too soon 
Some say I left you in despair 

How I wish it wasn't true I know it seems unfair , But..know ..

If your wonderin' 
How much you mean to me
You don't have to look too far
Look at your son and you'll know your my only star

A part of u left with me
A part of me stayed with you
 We’re connected  eternally 
Daughter to me 
     Father to you

So take heart and hear me

When U think of me think of the love you felt  on that day your son was born  
When you held him for the first time and how you grew to love him more 

Im not a memory from the past or a story to be told
For a time I was by your side , your hand I would hold

I see your life in pictures , like the ones you see of me
I smile with pride and wait for the day when we will be 
In a picture again together 
Love’s  circle will  be complete.