Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother , Mom

Mother, Mom
I know you hear us, I know you see what’s going on
Mother, Mom
Wish I was with U, wish the miles were not so long

Mother, Mom
Try not 2 fear, try not 2 think the worst - that’s wrong
We will be your memory; when you can’t remember the song

We will be your voice- until you speak again
We’ve always been your boys, but today we stand as men

We remember the smell of your kitchen, a hundred thousand times
Every dish you made-- uncomparable, wish we could rewind

Mother, Mom
Some didn’t understand , your crazy ways - but we got it everytime
Like you , we got that crazy sense, a trait we wear with pride

You pulled no punches, and spoke the truth; all with a smile at times
We miss your voice, that loud laugh too ~ your make up and outfits ~dressed up to the 9’s

Everything we are began with you, the first smile we saw, the first woman in our life.
We’re still praying U will be well again and the healing takes some time

Mother Mom
It’s Mothers Day 2day
We came from U, and U from God

Nothing will change our love 4 U

Perry, Troy, and Todd