Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Short term memory sputtering like a beat down car suffocating on those last  flames.
                                               Tell me again what is your name?

Cold ambien crush every night..."drunk dad moments" my daughter vlogged. ---Vlog? Blog? 
 Where are these terms coming from?  Is it progress -regress- just plain nonsense.?

Ambienzzzz Dreamzzz 6 months and counting.... now I am struggling  
TO STOP.  This Strange drug one can love ---
Gets me into these AmbeinzzzDreamzzz
 9 out of 10 times - but brings no peace , well maybe 4 hours. illusionary shut eye.

Searching 4 the words, The thoughts to express 
Never realized thoughts and their worth, Til they were so hard to get

What happened to this boy's mind ?  Ambienzz long term effects are to be seen, no not yet.  Meanwhile, cant escape the filth that floats in the air ....roaming around from the mouths of others, the satellite tv's , the broadband not from me,  it is the others!  -_-

 Can't shield the children let alone thyself  --Even the best intentions have this grain of greed itching for more wealth
 Selflessness I can't see.  Help me...someone screams. 

 Not me.  Do it all on my own,
the fault I fall on, like a hardened stone.

Lacking confidence in most things I do.all the unwritten songs, books or verses...
How can you feel that way?
When you been roaming this planet so damn long? he curses

45 years..cough, 46 .. how many of those had tears? fears? cheers? I regress

Got this ambien crush going on each night..."drunk dad moments" my daughter will vlog.
Vlog? Blog? where are these terms coming from? Is it progress or regress or just plain nonsense.

AmbienzzzzDreamzzz 6 months and counting.... now I am struggling  
TO STOP.  Strange drug strange love of, gets me into these AmbeinzzzDreamzzz 95% of the time, but brings no peace , well maybe 4 hours.    Good night. 

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