Monday, February 29, 2016

Now I smile

I have nothing. Nothing. I'm  blank. I'm sterile. Void of any spunk. Couldn't find it even if i looked . The Funk .  Dance no more, and smile? what a bore. In a state of mind when I'm just on borrowed time. Asleep but walking around. Negativity you may say, dominating , the devil or some other being.  Hard not to agree. I see the darkness all around me, Yet light no candle nor close my eyes. Face the darkness, face the reality.  The news don't scare me. News changes with each minute of each hour and each day... barely affects my eyes, or anything that makes me cry. --Real men cry. Yet I don't feel like a man at all if tears ever stream down these cheeks.  These cheeks   these cheekamokes ha,ha, cheekamokes, . smile. now i smile

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