Monday, December 28, 2015


Lost somewhere in the mix in the wilderness
Walked alone at times.     
................Or with somebody at his side      

Through light and darkness holding out his hand for anybody to grab   

Young and carefree

..........But no different than how we used to be           

Believing the world around       Was just as lost; not  found --      

Too young ...too inexperienced--

to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel 
That brighter days are ahead no matter how strong the storm     
......................Or how u feel worn  
.......................A new day is born--

Like an ocean of fresh waves washing upon your soul -- nobody is to blame

When a life is cut short it's like a sad song and the music just plays on and on and on                     

Walk forth now Angel into the ultimate light                                    

 Up on high where true angels are born and rest their weary heads -pain is no more 

Say hello to the ones who wait there for you --I can see you smiling now - all turmoil behind you.


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