Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Inside your shell

                                                          Inside your shell    



 Come out of your shell.......That shell on your back slowing you down .......keeping your feet ......all stuck to the ground.  I

It's holding you back,....making you slack ---keeping you from your life's track. 

.Like a turtle your slow ----to reach your goals.  Do you even have a goal? Nobody knows.......

It weighs you down yet part of you likes it.  So you can hide in the crowds. Only yourself to fight with. ... 

Easier to be just another face, in a crowded hall, keeping to your routine, following them all.     The shell  is your  domain and keeps others away.  It's  a hiding place ---when stresses seem to overtake.  

A cave to retreat ...when safety  seems shaken. 

Yet keeps your soul from its true awakening.    

Keeping you away from the actualization 

Of your true purpose and destination.    

Safe and protective it seems ... Yet keeps you  away from your dreams..  

The protection you think it provides; actually eliminates your drive.     

Years gone in the past , now your old and weary --looking back at that shell; eyes teary.   

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