Friday, April 22, 2016

The Soundtrack 2 My Life

Since the age of 13, there has been a constant soundtrack playing as I walked and lived my life.  The music of Prince. 

With his passing on to the next world a very big part of me died too.  If you have known me closely or even from afar, you have either heard the purple music around me,,,or saw something and maybe were taken aback at first. Thinking to yourself ...Prince? Really.   

 His death today has hit me hard., how hard. I don’t even know yet. But my gut hurts. My hands are shaking. Today people texted me, called, posted on my social media, condolences and well wishes...positive messages.  When they heard the news they thought of me.WOW. I am honored. 
In my life it seemed like he never let me down. The timing of his albums being released, or the content of the material always seemed to hit me at the right moment or take me to a place that helped me somehow.  There was a connection.

For me it has always been about the music. Always will be.  Take everything else: the videos, movies, make up, his symbol, dancing, costumes,posters,t shirts or fan collectibles.. whatever.---It is nothing without the music. The musicianship.  The sound. The lyrics.  The versatility.  He did it all. Rock,Pop,Jazz,Funk,R&B, songs, nasty songs, songs that blew your mind, eccentric songs.. whimsical,funky, other worldly! The music spoke to me. The soundtrack to my life since I was 13 yrs old. And it never stopped.  NEVER.  It goes way past purple rain, past the songs most people have heard.  Deeper.  

.All this  music I have memorized, collected, smiled to, danced to, ,,,music that made me think deeper, inspired me, moved me, ....influenced my way of thinking, helped me learn about myself. Challenged me. Taught me it was okay to be different. Helped me accept others who were considered different. It was the Soundtrack to my life.

Prince and I have went through alot together.  Good times, hard times, best of times....worst times.   

 My parents Divorce (Purple Rain).  He was there the summer I moved from the Midwest to Texas (BatmanSoundtrack), my job losses and financial struggles (Chaos and Disorder)--When my first daughter was born (The Most Beautiful Girl in the World/Gold Experience), during my renewed faith and relationship with GOD (Emancipation/Crystal Ball), getting married (The Rainbow Children).

I credit him for my weird daring creative side because my formative teen years were spent digesting Parade/Sign of the Times/Lovesexy. 

Wait, -- LoveSexy!!  There I was walking into the record store in 1988 (I was 17 years old) to buy that album the first day it was out-- like I did all of his releases and he is stark naked on the cover.  Damn, Prince put me in a tight spot again...stares. People stared at him.  They stared at me. We were weird we were different.  Dare to be different he taught me. Believe me since my teenage years I've been scoffed at more times than I remember for being a Prince admirer. 

A long time ago Prince said "life is death without adventure and adventure only comes to those of us willing to be daring and take chances."  I've always remembered that.  He took chances. He put himself out there. He is a musical genius but more than that he WORKED at it.  People don't realize how much he worked...It takes work to get to his level.  His musical versatility is unmatched.  Have you heard his Madhouse albums?  Instrumental jazz fused jam sessions?  Most don't realize that my blog "2 whomever it may concern" is in fact a title to a Prince song. 

Go listen to Wasted Kisses, Joy In Repitition, Electric Intercourse, Purple Rain (yeah you know that one).  Those are songs I love. I have no favorite song. I have 1000,00's of songs to choose from. Though he has left this world,  his soundtrack will still play on....................... .

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