Saturday, May 21, 2016

On my heels

Death is chasing me it's on my heels
with each step it races for me
But I dont stand still
It's chasing my family and those I call friends
Relentless and victorious
it always wins.....

Sometimes I can feel its breath on my neck
I turn around , nothing is there, then turn back

I hear the screams of those of the past
clutching out , arms stretched, fingers cramped

A better place? maybe yes maybe not

Keep on moving, keep on striving, keep on dancing, keep on writing, keep on keeping on.
Hoping death passes me by.....sees me busy and gives up.   Wont try.

When your young and carefree, death is unknown , a far off place
Ive seen how the trees get old , die, rot, then gone without a trace

Death is chasing me ,  It's on my heels again 
With each step it's racing 4 me I know one day it'll win

But I won't stand still nor live in fear nor hate or steal
But only feel and wheel and deal the love , love heals

Keep on loving, keep on hugging, keep on beating to the drum in your heart
Take a chance, do your dance, flaunt your pants, best time is now to start

Because Death is chasing and on our heels,,,,
I wish it wasn't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,real.

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