Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Remembering Uncle Phil: Primetime

      My Uncle Phil was many things to many people.  A caring son, a respected Brother, a dedicated Father and Husband, a trusted Lawyer, and an Uncle I looked to up to with admiration.

       As long as I can remember Uncle Phil seemed to have this ability to easily read people. Simply put, he could tell when somebody was full of crap.  I recall many times watching him as he sat across a table eating and having a conversation with someone.  He would be nodding his head with this sly grin on his face making his trademark smacking sound while he ate; then every minute or two he would mutter "oh, ya", to let the person know he was listening.  Little did they know he was also measuring the authenticity of what they were saying.  He would ask alot of questions and at times it seemed like he was a skeptic but in all actuality it was because he was smart and was trying to find the logical reason or answer to the situation. 
     I smile as I remember many funny moments as a teenager watching and listening as he would indulge our Uncle Joe "Yo-Yo" (God rest his soul) who would talk about conspiracies.  Stories of government cover ups or secret mob crimes that Uncle Phil would get a chuckle out of because he would poke holes in the story or make points to unravel the conspiracy and point towards more logical reasons behind events. Of course me and my adventurous mind, I believed the conspiracies! But not Uncle Phil, he was a thinker.  Looking back now I can clearly see the way his mind worked and combined with his keen sense for reading people it only makes sense that he would eventually become a successful attorney.

      Like everyone in our family, Uncle Phil had nicknames,some given during childhood others later in life. Family nicknames like Philly, Felipe Larou, Stink, Felipe Sparks, or skid-mark. But the one nickname that really says it all is "Primetime"
         Uncle Phil was the first in our immediate family to graduate from College.  But that was just the first of many steps he walked on his path towards success.  He then went on to Law school and earned  his Law degree.  Next he passed the Bar exam to become a lawyer.  Now these are not easy feats.  There is a lot of hard work, effort, committment, time, stress, and hurdles to overcome.  I know that Phil, like all of us, grew weary or discouraged at times, but he pressed on and put the work in to complete the tasks at hand to reach his goals.                                                                                                                                                 
He accomplished things that his father, brothers, and many of us in our immediate family didn't, couldn't, or never tried to do.  Make no mistake- everyone in our family is successful in many different ways and we all have our own accomplishments or talents to be proud of. In fact two of Phil's nephews also have College degrees, and one a Masters.  They too worked hard to reach thier goals.  But guess what?  We don't call them "Primetime".
     My kids asked what does Primetime mean?  I tried to simplify it for them by explaining prime time televison.  That time of day when television stations play thier best shows. The programs they invest the most money, time, and talent into.  Primetime is when everyone is watching. It's when your in the spotlight. Many of these primetime shows become household names and are recognized as being the best of the best. They are often critically acclaimed or win awards because they have set a certain standard of excellence. 

Similarily, Uncle Phil- a.k.a."Primetime" set the standard in our family.  In his educational feats, professional stature, and his example as a Son, Brother, Uncle, Husband and Father.  He earned the nick name Primetime because he set the bar high! 

His Father, my Grandpa, always encouraged us to get an education. He was always in our corner encouraging us and preaching that education and hard work will pay off.  "You can do anything you set your mind to." he would say.  When Uncle Phil graduated and became a Lawyer my Grandpa could not have been prouder.  Even years later when Phil was well into his profession he would speak about his son "the lawyer" a.k.a. Primetime with great pride.  Thinking about it now I realize that everything our Grandpa told us about getting an education, setting goals, working hard, and focusing; came into fruition in Uncle Phil.      

And even though some of us would refer to him as "Primetime" he was very humble about his accomplishments.  He was most proud of the family he  created with his wife Darla and children Sam and Olivia.  For they are where his heart resides and they are where his love and legacy will continue to grow. 

Rest In Paradise Uncle Phil , Until we meet again......