Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Stepping into Eternity

Door Opens

        Walks thru the door  
   Feels a familiar hand on the shoulder 
     hears a familiar voice

   "You did good Son"

  "Dad, I wasn't finished, I tried so hard to stay"

"Son, sometimes we complete the job we were sent to do  but we just don't realize it.  It is beyond our comprehension" 

" Son it is like we are sent to plant the seeds and then water them for only so long, then they will grow on thier own, somehow"

"I wanted to stay longer and I fought it too son, I understand how your feeling"

"But Dad, What about....." 

"Dont worry Son.  They will be alright"

"Are you sure Dad?"

"I'm sure.  Trust that all will be fine and those 2 seeds will grow and reap rewards , rewards that you will reunite with again"

"Now, lets go have Breakfast, We have alot of catching up to do."

"You look good Dad"

Smiling, "Your brother is waiting.  Grandma and Grandpa can't wait to see you too."

Walk through doorway together

Door Closes

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