Sunday, March 17, 2019

4got Im gonna Die

4Got I’m gonna Die
4Got it'll all be over
In the wink of an eye
Death will tap my shoulder
Those days when I’m at work 
Just sitting  passing time  
unmotivated at best; trying not 2 try
4Got I'm going 2 die—
When I’m stuck in traffic 

Or telling a bold faced lie

This fact still slips my mind

4Got my time will come
They’ll speak about my actions
Did he love? Did he give?
What were peoples' reactions?
Whether I’m lying 2 myself
or lying 2 my spouse
Ignoring the ones I love
At odds with God above

It's just another time
When I
4Got I’m gonna die
And people will remember
The way I lived my life
So got 2 do things better

But I wash it from  my mind
like all the other times

And the clock just keeps on ticking (4Got I'm gonna die)
My behavior can still be sickening
Sitting staring in the mirror
(4Got I'm gonna die)
All the while it's moving nearer

Don't 4get Ur gonna Die
And find the reason why
U were born 2 be alive

It's up 2 U 2 find
Until it is your time

2 say that one goodbye

Don't 4get Ur gonna Die

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