Thursday, April 4, 2019


A Million Messages loading In2 
Conscience SUBconscience HEART MInd SOUL

 2 SIEZE them all; The Goal
Through Screenzz

Screensz ISOLATE
Screensz spreading HATE

Distracting from real life
Push husband 2cheat wife

Block out the CNN  The Foxes the WGN's
See things with a fresh pair of eyes
Agenda free  No Bias  

Propaganda being fed @ these Divided States

Comes in scoops, double chocolate mmm.. VANILLA 
Influence/confusing minds, at worst creating killas

Train of thought stays hazy : Biologically lazy

Shut down those screenszz , the ones in your head, the flat screenzz too
Got U walking head down --all the while they pollute 

 Screenz Seeking 2 eliminate
The basics of human decency
 a smile  a laugh  a hello: "greetings"
The basics of humanity 
It's easy 2 understand
Let go the hate you harbor ,
Just see me as a man 

Faults  to fire and free will empowered

Just human beings: aren't we?

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