Thursday, January 2, 2020

Message from Gramps

I keep bugging Toddy to tell you I'm with you all.

Sometimes he hears me sometimes he acts like he don't. So finally he's listening and I'm glad he's taking this chance to tell you what I'm wanting to say.

First, you know I am with you, right? You know I talk to you when your asleep or awake?
I try to stay quiet and let you learn on your own but I can't help myself sometimes and have to let you know.  

So when your alone and you think you hear my voice in your mind.  You are.

When you think I am in your dreams.  That was me.

Stay strong and know that  you have family all around you.  Keep in touch with your brothers and cousins and mother and father.
Don't let time go by because it will and it'll be too late.

Before you know it you will be an old fart like I was.

You only have so much time and God doesn't tell you how much.
So thank the man upstairs each day for everything you have and pass along our family teachings to your family.  

I see you guys. I do.  

When your scared and unsure of what to do because life isn't going your way with your job or career.  

When you have decisions to make that will effect your wife or kids.
You need to really think about those things and do what is right.  The right thing to do is sometimes the hardest.  But if it is right than everything else will take care of itself. 

Remember how we would sit with each other in the living room or dining table?  

How I told you that your Grandma deserved all the credit because she put up with me and raised your dads.  It was true. 

Your Grandma is stronger than any of us. Sweeter and stronger.

It is a unique combination that God only grants very few souls.
Take time to call her.  Take time to call your Mom, your Dad, your brothers and sisters.  It doesn't take much time to pick up the phone

I used to pray every night as I lay in bed. I would pray for all of you.  It took me so long to get through all my prayers that I didn't get to bed for an hour or more.  Can you see me smiling? 

I'm smiling right now and everyday.

I'm standing next to Toddy as he writes this .  Toddy don't cry its gonna be alright   Tell your Grandma and the boys it will all be okay.  No matter what comes their way, it'll be okay.

And make time for each other --is the message I send today.


  1. i love this visit from him with you Todd!

  2. That's awesome, Todd. I truly believe that those whom we have lost come back to us in many different ways, but the ones who see them or hear them are the special ones.
