Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Eyes of James

If we could see the world 
      through the eyes of James
We'd realize his truth
we are all the same

Known only by our different names

and his just so happens to be

No lies flow out from his mouth
a hug and a smile is what he's all about

This world would be such a different place
If only we all could love like James

No desire to wear the latest fashion
  His style is love; he wears compassion

Loving comes easy 

  no need for motive or reason

When you see through the eyes of James

We're all the same but with different names
His just so happens to be 

Honest eyes, pure at heart 

No Jealousy nor deceit

One thousand times better the world could be
 If we could all see through the eyes of James

Have you ever seen that Famous Jamous smile?
Genuine, warm--a visual treat

Like those hot French fries

his favorite treat 😊

No jealousy or petty lies; a genuine life of truth
So no gossip or mistrust about who said what to who
(Better than me or you)

Every day's a birthday! 
Imagine seeing life that way?

We're all the same, with different names
His just so happens to be 

How much better our world would be 
If we could see each other
through the eyes of  my brother 


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