Monday, July 28, 2014

Hog with a blog

  1. So the purpose of this blog is to practice writing. I planned to write something almost everyday, not necessarily on the blog, maybe just by putting pen to paper. Well it’s not going very well so far because this is only the 2nd time I’ve written since my last blog. I am hardly home because I work a lot. This week alone I put in 63 hours! Now this is the total between my full time and part time job. I also spend a lot of time in my car driving to and from work.
  2. Currently I am writing on my IPad and it’s not very user friendly as far as typing and spacing goes. Ok this blog is boring so far, but keep reading because you never know what I might say. I am very opinionated but usually keep them to myself so as not to offend. Have you ever met someone who is easily offended and takes almost everything personal even if it doesn’t apply to them? I don’t get how someone could be so sensitive and get upset so easily over things especially if not directed towards them. To me it means they’re either unsure about themselves and who they are as a person or just like to complain and whine about anything.
  3. So I am calling this entry “Hog with a blog”. I got the idea from that kids show “dog with a blog” which I’ve only seen clips of. But from what I see it’s narrated by a dog but I’m not sure if he really has a blog. This reminds me, I hate movies or shows with talking animals—it just does nothing for me even if it’s supposed to be funny I usually just roll my eyes. Maybe because I’m not much of an animal person. Never owned a dog and cats creep me out, not to mention that animals just smell —in general. I hope you over sensitive animal lovers aren’t offended.
  4. Now back to the “Hog with a blog” idea. I do consider myself a former hog. What I mean by that is I used to eat a lot and I’ve been over weight most of my life—like a big fat hog! I lived in fast food drive thru lines and once I started eating I couldn’t stop. Then if my kids didn’t finish they’re food I made sure to gobble it up too. Damn I love food. My weight peaked at 350lbs and that was back when I was 29 years old. From then until now ( I am 43) my weight has fluctuated between 350 down to 270. Shit, I’ve been a fatass most of my life and it does suck. You chubsters out there know what I’m talking about!
  5. So on August 7, 2013 I had a weight loss surgery called a “sleeve” procedure. The surgery removed 3/4 of my stomach to prevent me from eating so much. If you want to know more about it send me a message or google it. Actually, here is a link to the bariatic physicians group that helped me.
  6. Do you hate when people text you or post a question on Facebook that could easily be answered if they googled it? It really irks me that they have a device of some kind with internet access and instead of googling they post it or text or tweet or whatever. WTF? Google it dumbass! Well I’m gonna wrap this up because I’m hungry! Just joking, but my back is killing me at the moment from sitting. I thought losing weight would help that but I guess anyone can have a back issue-big or small. I’ve lost 100lbs since my surgery and hope to lose about 30 more. While I agree that the type of person your are on the 'inside' (your heart/mind) matters more than your phsical stature, losing weight definitely helps in so many ways. Of course, your more healthy and able to do more things phsically, but also it can give you more confidence in yourself to do things you might have not attempted. Like writing this blog. Strange but true. I’m going to try and post a before and after picture with this to show how this fatty is now a hottie! I'm just kidding, I am far from a hottie. But some do call me Toddy. (lame, I know). --Until next time--
  7. side note--( I copy and pasted this blog from my old blog site and those numbers on the side appeared and I cant figure out how to erase them, sorry--I am not a pro as you can see.)

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